In the Megyn Kelly TODAY series "Secrets: Telling My Truth," two women - one a successful attorney, the other a super mom - developed addictions to alcohol, cocaine and prescription drugs without anyone knowing until they both hit rock bottom. The women say coming clean about their secrets helped them heal.
Who is Jen Simon?
Jen’s biggest secret went viral — although she was a mom, she was addicted to prescriptions pills. After her explosive Washington Post essay, she has been contacted by hundreds of women all saying the same thing: this was my story too. Jen has written about her addiction for Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Babble, and The TODAY Show. She was recently a guest on The TODAY Show and also filmed a video for their website.
Recent Publications & Interviews
‘Was She Sick?’
Depression killed my innately joyful sister. When people ask how she died, this is how I respond.
Using for Two
Jen Simon tried many times to quit using the opioids she first started taking to help with painful periods, and then, to ease her anxiety and depression. But, she just couldn't seem to stop — until she found out she was pregnant with her second son.
Nonsensical Hanukkah items corporations wanted Jews to buy
“Asking even one Jewish person for their feedback or spending two minutes on Google could have changed everything.”
“Keep your ugly sweaters – Hanukkah isn’t Christmas and doesn’t need to be.”
When you think about people addicted to opioids or other pain medications, your mind likely jumps to someone you probably don’t know. You’re probably not thinking about an educated, suburban Jewish mom.